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Channeling Our Collective Power to Create a Just & Equitable Multiracial Future

Wealthy people of color, BIPOC-led organizations, and movement leaders are coming together to build a new philanthropic power base committed to driving cross-class, cross-racial solidarity and racial justice.

"Donors of color are essential to the story of our collective liberation. The transformative, generous, strategic contributions of people of color are no longer in the shadows but centered in philanthropy. DOCN was founded to pull our community of donors out of isolation, to build power together, and to make meaningful contributions to today's racial justice movement."

Isabelle Leighton

Executive Director

Impact Highlights

We’re bringing wealthy people of color, BIPOC-led organizations, and movement leaders together to create a new philanthropic power base.

Accomplishments to Date

Members channeled $20 million to values-aligned organizations

Launched 3 grantmaking funds to support 15 grantees

Mobilized $120 million in funding to BIPOC-focused climate justice organizations

Secured 31 Climate Funders Justice Pledges, including 11 top climate funders

Top Funders Committed to Climate Justice

11 of the top 40 climate funders have committed to allocating at least 30% of their climate funding to BIPOC-led power-building groups and providing greater transparency in their grant reporting.

“Philanthropy has never looked like the communities of color they claim to support. Leaders of color must be empowered and uplifted across all positions in philanthropy so that we can create new systems of power that bring our communities to the decision-making table.”

Isabelle Leighton

Executive Director

Supporting Movement Leaders

When wealthy donors band together to support organizations working for systemic change, we can build power in communities of color. We’re proud to support these movement leaders through catalytic giving programs.

The Power Fund

Create change for and accountability to communities of color.

Funded $2M between 2020 and 2021.

Solidarity is Power

Invest in young leaders and create a multiracial democracy.

Mobilized 19 donors to channel $270,000+ in funds to 25 organizations.

Radical Resources

Build generational power and wealth in BIPOC communities.

Channeled $317,500 to 20 movement leaders.

Are you ready to build a world where people of color can thrive?